Senin, 12 September 2011
Amazing Picnic to Ancient Mountain
Located in the village of Mount Nglanggeran, District Patuk Gunungkidul. Situated in the northern region ofGunungkidul Baturagung with a height of between 200-700 mdpl with an average air temperature of 23 ˚ C- 27 ˚ C, only 20 km from the city Wonosari and 25 km from the city of Yogyakarta.
Located in the village of Mount Nglanggeran, District Patuk Gunungkidul. Situated in the northern region ofGunungkidul Baturagung with a height of between 200-700 mdpl with an average air temperature of 23 ˚ C- 27 ˚ C, only 20 km from the city Wonosari and 25 km from the city of Yogyakarta.
This area is a region provided by the old material volcanic, it has beautiful scenery and geology are veryunique , of course high scientific value. There was joglo building (Hall Joglo Kalisongo) at the entrance.Many local tourists, and there were also occasional foreign tourists visit Mount Nglanggeran to enjoy thebeauty of the scenery, trying to conquer the big rock to climb, and many of them just relieve fatigue fromdaily work activities.
In September 2011 a lot of schools or universities that conduct training in these attractions. In the village of Mount Nglangeran there are also some of the homestay is comfortable and clean.
This place is perfect to train the leadership, but it also can be a good time to celebrate the amazing natural riches of grace. Especially if you want a picnic to Yogyakarta, do not miss these attractions.
This package is available according to your budget.
If you are interested in training and the tour to visit this place, please contact Jogja Picnic Tour & Travel(0274) 9668009, 08121553872.
Located in the village of Mount Nglanggeran, District Patuk Gunungkidul. Situated in the northern region ofGunungkidul Baturagung with a height of between 200-700 mdpl with an average air temperature of 23 ˚ C- 27 ˚ C, only 20 km from the city Wonosari and 25 km from the city of Yogyakarta.
This area is a region provided by the old material volcanic, it has beautiful scenery and geology are veryunique , of course high scientific value. There was joglo building (Hall Joglo Kalisongo) at the entrance.Many local tourists, and there were also occasional foreign tourists visit Mount Nglanggeran to enjoy thebeauty of the scenery, trying to conquer the big rock to climb, and many of them just relieve fatigue fromdaily work activities.
In September 2011 a lot of schools or universities that conduct training in these attractions. In the village of Mount Nglangeran there are also some of the homestay is comfortable and clean.
This place is perfect to train the leadership, but it also can be a good time to celebrate the amazing natural riches of grace. Especially if you want a picnic to Yogyakarta, do not miss these attractions.
This package is available according to your budget.
If you are interested in training and the tour to visit this place, please contact Jogja Picnic Tour & Travel(0274) 9668009, 08121553872.
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